Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week 7: Celebrate My Man Turning 30 (and Get Him a Great Gift!)

I hate buying gifts- solely because I think I'm really bad at it and I second guess everything and I always think I probably should've just handed over the money I spent on whatever I settled on.

But THIS year for Scott's birthday, I think I did a really good job. Scott, my husband, is a writer (part-time) and loves Kevin Smith. I found out that Kevin Smith was coming close to us (pretty rare!) to promote his latest movie, Red State. During the event, he would present the movie, watch the movie with the audience and then do a Q & A.

Little did I know that Red State is unlike ANY other Kevin Smith movie (Clerks, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, etc.). When I told Scott about the big surprise, he was excited but also asked me if I knew that this movie was drastically different than his other work. (I didn't). Those movies are comedies and Red the furthest movie from a comedy...maybe ever. Smith took a different route this time and made a horror, and I do mean HORROR, movie. It was easily the scariest movie I've ever seen.

But...we had a great time. I am terrified of scary movies and don't watch them much but this movie was powerful. If it wasn't SO disturbing, I would insist that just about everyone I know watch it. I don't want to give anything away, but the very short synopsis is that people in a cult beyond lose their minds. Here's another synopsis- think of it as being said in the old Real World opener: "This is what happens when cults stop being crazy and start being terrifying."

Kevin Smith: if you're out there, feel free to use the above quote. It's pretty good, right?

So, after an hour and a half of terror, Smith opened up for Q & A. He is HILARIOUS. We really enjoyed both the movie (even if I didn't sleep that night), and this section as well.

I think Scott would agree that I did alright this time. Happy birthday, dearest!

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