Friday, March 4, 2011

Week 5: Make a box.

That sounded less lame in my head.

I've been spending LOTS of time crafting this week (which is more than fine with me!). One of the items I learned to make this week, which is ridiculously easy, is to make little paper boxes.They are, seriously, so sooooooo easy. But, it was fun to make and I think I may be hooked. Here is an example of the fun:
Easy breezy this week. Sometimes that's what life calls for.


  1. Angie, you should totally post DIY instructions for some of your crafty things...

    (also, it's nice to see you blogging again!)

    --laura i.

  2. Hi long lost Laura I!

    I'm glad you found my blog. I like you!

    And I may just do that, keep watching :)
